Treatment can consist of measures to help control signs and symptoms, reduce complications, and slow progression of the disease. If your kidneys become severely damaged, you may need treatment for end-stage kidney disease.
Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT)
Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) replaces nonendocrine kidney function in patients with renal failure. Your Nephrologist will discuss with you the various modalities, all of which exchange solute and remove fluid from the blood using dialysis and filtration across permeable membranes.
Pre- and Post-Kidney Transplant Support
Making the decision to have a kidney transplant can be a life changing event, but there are multiple factors to consider both before and after your surgery. Our team of dedicated Nephrologists will be there to counsel and guide you through the decision making process as well as to provide routine care after your procedure.
Dialysis can be done intermittently or continuously. Continuous therapy is used almost exclusively for acute kidney injury. It is often tolerated better than intermittent therapy in unstable patients because solute and water are removed more slowly. All forms of RRT (except peritoneal dialysis) require vascular access.
Therapeutic Plasma Exchange
Therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE), also known as plasmapheresis and apheresis, is a process whereby the plasma in your blood is removed. It is replaced with a different type of fluid, usually donor plasma and/or albumin solution. It is similar to what happens in kidney dialysis. TPE is a fairly painless procedure and serious side effects are rare.